Frosted – Week 5

Hello frosticles!!!

So this week you have me aka Lucy aka the BIRTHDAY girl guiding you through the blog!

We began our rehearsals on Monday with a fabulous recap of the dance numbers we’ve set so far. Our wonderful choreographer Fay put us through our paces once again and our two opening numbers are now polished and looking fantastic.

I’m proud to say I suffered for my art at this rehearsal – smacking my hand on a table after performing a dance move a bit too vigorously (sadly it wasn’t even the right move at the time). But other than that it was a scandal-free rehearsal.

Wednesday saw us back at the keys with our epic musical director Mikey B, learning two new songs. The solo for Princess Hannah played by the wonderful Sophie Short, and the solo for Frosty the Snowman, played by the fabulous Jenny Storey. As to be expected, Mike has come up with some amazing arrangements for these songs, and has got us sounding absolutely fantastic.

We even managed to find ourselves a brand new mascot for the show this week (those of you familiar with our last few shows will know that this is an SMP MUST!). Our (nameless/copyrightless) snowman oversaw the entire rehearsal and I have it on good authority that he was extremely impressed with our efforts.

Some of the cast also had a great time this weekend performing for the St Anne’s School Tea Party. I wasn’t there myself, but have heard that they were most welcoming, and the cast loved every minute of the fantastic event!

But MOST IMPORTANTLY this week was host to some VERY important events. Both myself and our choreographer Fay celebrated our birthdays this week. And in true SMP style we were spoiled rotten and sung to beautifully by our uber-talented friends and family.

It may only be early days in our rehearsal process, but with a script, a cast, and a creative team this awesome, I’m confident in saying that this show is not one to be missed! Get yourself online and get those tickets booked ASAP! It’s sure to be a popular one. Miss it and miss out!

Tickets for Frosted are now available to book.

Thurs 19th to Sat 21st January 2017 at 7.30 p.m. & Matinee on Sat 21st & Sunday 22nd January 2017 at 2.30 p.m.

** Sign interpreted performance on Sunday 22nd January 2016 **

£14 Full/£11 Concessions. Please ring 0844 414 2731 Or email to book.

Online booking and payment is now available via our website

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