Sleeping Beauty Blog – Week 12

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This weeks blog comes from our Merriweather – Marian Lynch.

As one of the oldest members of SMP (when did that happen?!) I’m not really sure what a blog is, but I figure it’s a bit like a diary entry, right? I picked a corker of a week to get to tell you what we’ve been up to, there has been so much going on – it’s a veritable smorgasbord! I’m playing Fairy Merryweather in this year’s panto and it’s a character that is close to my heart for many reasons (despite the fact I’m furious that she is described as a battle axe in the script!); she features a lot in my Disney history and I probably have more in common with her character than I care to admit!

Sleeping Beauty was my first SMP show back in January 2006, so it’s very special to me, I was part of the chorus all those years ago, so I’ve been very patient waiting to get my hands of this role: a tiara, wings, a wand and more sparkles than you can shake a stick at? What’s not to love! Obviously the fabulous script will make this year superior (thought I’d better give Warren a mention)! At the end of last week Jo B, Bex and myself spent sometime in Disneyland Paris, getting in the Christmas spirit. One of my favourite things about the park is the castle, which just happens to be Sleeping Beauty’s and it’s pink! I’ve always loved the stain glass window that features the three fairies and the castle looks beautiful with all its lights. I convinced myself the trip was necessary character development and it’s also made me very excited for the Enfield parade of light on Sunday!

This week’s rehearsals were all about the scenes, so our talented chorus and dancers got a well deserved week off. On Monday we went through the last of the scenes. Ellie (Aurora) spent most of the rehearsal lying down under a blanket! She tried to convince us that it was part of the role, but she looked incredibly comfortable and snuggly for someone under the spell of a wicked fairy! It’s the sign of a good show when we all have so much fun in rehearsals, the laughter and ad-libbing doesn’t stop and Chris (our fabulous director) is incredibly patient with all our naughtiness!

On Wednesday we ran through most of the scenes again and Kate introduced us to her glowing Orb! She really is very talented at making her costumes and props and despite telling us it was a ‘work in progress’ it already looked fantastic and quite eerie.

Fay, Ellie and Debbie were all putting more hard work in to sorting out costumes for us all on Wednesday too. It goes without saying that my fellow cast are all hugely talented, but the show wouldn’t be half as good without all the effort that the production team, techies and other backstage grafters put in.

The three fairies are obviously a close knit trio and I was thrilled to find out that I would be working with Lynzey and Jo Mac to sprinkle that fairy magic. We are all great friends so it was an easy relationship to fall into. We’ve had so much fun in rehearsals and we have enjoyed all the overacting it has afforded us!

Now this is the best bit, as I’ve been lucky enough to be given permission to divulge a little secret! Let me set the scene: Two years ago our wonderful friends Warren and Jo had their own fairytale wedding and it seems now the next chapter of their happy story is about to begin! THEY’RE HAVING A BABY!!!!! It seems quite fitting that our panto starts with a baby in a crib, but I hope there will be no magical shenanigans for their own little prince or princess! Unfortunately this means that Jo is no longer able to play the role of Fairy Fauna, but I’m sure their happy news more than makes up for it!

As sorry as Lynzey and me are to lose Jo from our cheeky trio, we are very happy to say we won’t be fighting Malevolent’s forces on our own – we welcome our lovely Wendy – who will be stepping into the role. Jo and Wendy spent this week’s rehearsals sharing information about the part and doing the scenes together, I’m only sorry that we can’t have both of them! Thank you so much to Wendy for taking on the part of Fauna at the last minute and I’m sure you will all join me sending huge congratulations to Warren and Jo on their happy news!

So finally I’d like to sign off saying that I’m having the best time rehearsing this year with this crazy bunch, so please don’t miss out on this fantastic production – GET YOUR TICKETS!!!