Sleeping Beauty Blog – Week 5

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This week’s blog comes from the very sparkly Joanna McWilliams:

Coo-ee Cherubs,

A very sparkly welcome to Instalment #5 of our super exciting Sleeping Beauty Blog. I have so enjoyed reading these each week, especially as my fellow SMP buddies have done such a peachy job at keeping us all informed. Whilst a little nervous, I’m totally chuffed to get a chance to have go myself…almost as chuffed as I am to be playing the jumpy, joyous Fairy Fauna in our production of Sleeping Beauty, at the Intimate Theatre, this coming January, superbly written by Warren McWilliams, I might add. (Who says I’m biased?)

So here goes, folks…

Monday evenings rehearsal was dedicated to dance recaps, whoop whoop (we all get rather excited when there’s a chance to jump around) There were two big company numbers to recap, both carefully constructed by Choreographer Extraordinaire, Mrs Fay Kemal (omg, she totes just got married to fellow smper, Yiltan) and with Fays experienced hand not only are we flying through the numbers, we are already making time to recap them too. Much sweaty fun was had that evening and what a great start to the week it was.

On Wednesday evening we were back with the lovely Mr Mike Benyon (of MD joy), this time to learn one of our baddie numbers, booooo…I mean oooohh. With lead vocals from the delectable Kate Russell, who plays our wicked fairy, Malevolant, and backing from Sniffles & Boggers (Sasha & Luke of previous blog fame), the meany minions and our brilliant chorus, it was sounding deliciously dark. Kates incredible voice alone is reason enough to buy a ticket! We sped through that number so quickly that we had time to squeeze in a little more learning, and “hot damn” does our pre finale sound amazeballs…we’ve not even finished it yet. Well done Mikey B!

Meanwhile, during all that musical fun, upstairs some of our cast were left in the very capable hands of our awesome costume department, headed up by Ellie Goss & Fay, who I quote “always come in under budget” whilst still making us look fabulous. When you add in friend of SMP, Debbie Sandys, and her remarkable seamstress skills, you have a seriously powerhouse team up there. This week, all three good fairies, myself and dear friends, Lynzey Cooper & Marian Lynch who play Fairy Flora and Fairy Merriweather respectively, were measured for not one…but TWO dresses each, eeeeeeeeek. As if rehearsals weren’t fun enough, they go and throw custom made sparkly dresses and wings into the mix…no wonder I love SMP so much. Even the A10 resurfacing works on my journey home can’t dampen the glorious mood I find myself in after an evening with the extended fam.

Well I think that covers it, cherubs, what a productive week that was! Thank you so much for reading you lovely bunch. I shall now hand the baton over to another excited SMPer, ready to inform you of even more wondrous goings on at SMP HQ…but not before I share some piccies of last week’s Joy…

“Everything is far less tragic, with a dust of Fairy Magic” Fairy Fauna, 2015