The Cinderella Blog – Week 14.

To my loyal Chingfordonian’s – it’s your Queen here and I’m about to spill the latest on everything Cinderella.

We’ve got two weeks (well actually one week once you read this) left before we start all things tech, dress and actual SHOW week! How fun is that?

As you can see we’ve got cast members dancing, signing and jumping for joy on our first rehearsal of week and oh what a rehearsal it was.. everything is coming together ever so nicely – as if it was planned to be such a fantastical evening.

As ever our amazing director (and writer, man of many talents) Mr Warren McWilliams spent his night laughing at our gags, complimenting our tricks and making sure we’re in tip top shape for our first performance – which I can assure you we are, getting to watch these guys and snap pictures of them was such fun and I was in awe of all my talented buddies!

Wednesday night brought another run and some surprise audience members, it was super fun to run the show in front of some new people and the laughter that erupted from them really lifted our spirts and I could feel the shift in our performance from rehearsal to show level which was just a wonder to see! With each rehearsal you can see all the little pieces sticking together and creating a truly amazing show.

Friday night was a good one as the King and I got dressed up to meet some very special people and teach them some dance routines from the show and have a little Q&A with them. Questions included ‘Why do we have a King & Queen in Chingfordonia?’ And ‘What’s the prince’s real name?’.

Saturday was another day full of behind the scenes magic, we had our wonderful band rehearsing, people out on the streets of Chingford putting up flyers and promoting our show, and a couple of handsome, strong men building the float for Sunday!

Sunday, Funday, and oh what a day it was, not only is it a week till we get to hear the music from our insanely cool band BUT…. it’s also parade of lights day! Now for those who don’t know what that means… it means we all get to cover ourselves in pretty fairy lights and dance around the streets of Enfield to promote our show, and our beautiful Cinders finally got in her pumpkin carriage and oh what a beauty it was! Seriously – I think it was the best thing since sliced bread! My legs hurt, and I’m dying for a bubble bath but it was so fun dancing and promoting our little show!

Seriously (on a little emotional, fluffy note) I have done three shows THIS year with SMP and they welcomed me with such open arms, love and peachy joy that I just keep coming back – every single individual I’ve met has just been so lovely and amazing that I feel like I’ve been around for years!

You do not want to miss this show guys, literally the matinees are very NEARLY sold out so if you want a little afternoon delight you better get your trigger finger ready to get those last couple seats! Keep booking tickets and I’ll see you there in my kingdom, don’t forget to wave hello if you see me strolling past with the dear old King and Hearld in toe, we do love a wander!

The matinees are almost sold out so please please get booking, this show is brilliant and you will not want to miss it.

Tickets are on sale and you can book online by clicking the banner below. To book wheelchair seats or for information about group bookings please contact the box office on 07708 708 062 or by email on Thank you!