The Mermaid Blog – Get in and Band Call

The excitement of band call/get in day is like Christmas Eve! There’s a tightly coiled spring of nerves in the pit of your stomach that leave you slightly delirious with anticip . . . . ation!

The very first time running through all the musical numbers with the band is without doubt one of the BEST feelings of show week. The dances come alive, the emotions in each and every song are heightened, it is one of my favourite parts of show week!

It was a long long rehearsal with the band going through all the songs and running the show. Our evil villain showed her softer side too with some appropriately decorated cakes. Though we weren’t sure whether to trust her and eat them or not.

While we’re doing the band call and running the show our tech team were busy at the theatre putting all the set and lighting up.

When we got to the theatre the tech crew were still beavering away making everything on stage look amazing and making everything work as it should do! We are so lucky to have so many pros working on our panto. We finished the day getting onstage and looking as some of the spacing for our the big dance numbers.

Still loads of work to be done before opening night! Can’t wait for tomorrow’s technical rehearsal!

You can book your tickets here, if you want to come to one of our 2.30pm matinees please book now as tickets are limited for those performances: