The Spamalot Blog – Week 10

Hello my fellow. Spammers, Maroulla here, I’m another newbie to the SMP family and this is my first ever blog too, so apologies in advance if it’s not up to scratch.
Being part of this jolly crew was quite daunting at first, everyone is so connected and quite clearly having a great time, I wanted to be a part of that and so yay, here I am, thank you for having me!
I’m part of the lovely ensemble group and one of those Knights of Ni. Anyway, this week’s rehearsal’s have been full on and actually It’s all been going rather well by all accounts.
On Monday our fabulous choreographer Fay put us through our paces and we worked super hard polishing up the routines and finishing off the Camelot number. The highlight being Lee and Jo Bee’s number, now that’s something to behold, like two kindred spirits coming together!
On Wednesday our magical MD Stuart put us through our paces, there was a great deal of ooooing and la, la, la ing. As well as, much giggling and laughter providing me with my favourite word of the week, because I think we should all have one….. thank you Stuart, Fanfairy! Love it.
We had out first Sunday rehearsal this week and staggered through the show looking at all the different costumes and making sure we all have time for our quick changes. The costumes are looking spectacular and worth coming to see the show for on their own!
I’m having a great time in my first show with SMP and have a secret guest coming who will keep us on our toes, a music producer friend coming to see the show who’s always on the look out for new talent, so keep those teeth in and go for it!

I’ve sold 25 tickets so far, whoop, whoop. If you want to get 10% off your tickets then you’ve got a week to do so. Just use code SPAM10 when ordering. You can book your tickets here: