The Spamalot Blog – Week 12

And I return; fresh from the inexplicable snub that was SMP selecting a 2017 summer show without a featured role for a rabbit. “Why, oh why did you not choose a show that would feature your strongest asset – Archie the rabbit?” my adoring fans lamented as they exited from ‘The Pirates of Penzance’.

Thankfully, SMP came to their senses in their 2018 show choice of ‘Spamalot’ and have this year cast me in my most challenging role to date – ‘Killer Rabbit’. As my first role with SMP, my performance as ‘Little Sally’s Bunny’ in 2016’s ‘Urinetown’ garnered international acclaim for SMP throughout the entirety of Edmonton. I am overjoyed that through my talent I shall be able to continue to evangelise for the group by demonstrating my versatility as an actor.

In ‘Urinetown’ I played a sweet and innocent rabbit, and this year I shall be demonstrating the true fierceness that is Archibald D Rabbit. It will be hard to top my previous role which, as predicted, won me many awards including the famed EGOT. I would personally like to thank the Enfield Guild of Theatrics for their ongoing support. Playing the Killer Rabbit is a challenge that I am relishing, as it’s enabling me to explore a completely different side of myself. As a dedicated method actor, I am really throwing myself into preparations for this show, and to this end have been eating tinned meat in considerable quantities.

And so, on to a roundup of the events of this week. On Monday we conducted an ‘Intimidation Workshop’ in which I put my fellow actors through their paces in order to ensure that their reactions to the Killer Rabbit are suitable, and meet the expectations of the discerning theatre-goer. We have 5 weeks until curtain-up, and I am sure my comrades will make progress by this date.

On Wednesday, I ran through my solo number with Musical Director, Stuart. In the script there is not a song for the Killer Rabbit, however Stuart was so overcome with joy upon hearing my vocal prowess at the audition stage that he felt compelled to pen a new number.

I also spent some time with our director Paula, discussing the motivation of my character. We are really getting beneath the surface of the Killer Rabbit, and I am thrilled that I will be able to bring a completely new and fresh interpretation to the role.

“Goosebumps. Literal goosebumps. Never before have I witnessed such artistry. Archie is truly a master of his craft, and I am so grateful he agreed to be a part of this production. SMP put on good shows, but having Archie involved just takes us to the next level.” Paula Bland, Director.

I would urge you to book your tickets to see SMP’s ‘Spamalot’ as soon as possible. News of my talent spread like wildfire following ‘Urinetown’ and this is the first opportunity that my devotees will have to see me perform since then, so I would imagine that tickets will disappear very quickly.

Click on the picture below to ensure you do not miss out.

You can book your tickets here: