The Spamalot Blog – Week 9

Pic 1. Smell my foot.

‘Ello my British chums! Beinvenue to week 9 of Spamalot rehearsals. Another week means another blog, this time in the (in)capable hands of me, Gethin “Sacre Bleu” Segel (French Taunter Deux).

I’m a long term SMP chum but first time performer and I am loving working with such a lovely bunch of very talented people. Quite frankly, they all put me to shame. When you see the show, if you can tear your eyes away from the amazing action front of stage, look out for the tubby mal-coordinated bloke at the back, which will be me!

Pic 2. Bowman, born to do it.

Monday’s rehearsal saw the whole ensemble in dance action under the watchful eye of our ever patient choreographer, Fay. First up a recap of some key routines including “Look on the bright side of life”, complete with twirling umbrellas. The rest of the evening saw us attempting the fiendish Vegas show style routine for “Knights of the Round Table”. The whole cast gets to show off their twinkle toes and I have a rather meaty cameo which I’m sure the whole cast will agree I was born to play. The rehearsal was exhausting but looking back at the videos it was worth it.

Pic 3. Please note actual cameo may vary from picture.


Pic 4. Do you come here often?

Pic 5. Bend over. Let me see you shake your tail feather.

Wednesday saw the ladies getting a well-deserved rest as the gentlemen performed a complete sing-through, with our lovely MD, Stuart, and rehearsal pianist, Alex. We were treated to a playback of a couple of our performances and they really are sounding good. Even my pitch imperfect seems to blend in somehow!

Thursday saw my friend Andy Pryor and I knuckle down to some serious animation work. Because, as if, performing isn’t enough, I’m also involved with making a series of short Terry Gilliam style animations to be shown throughout the show. However, a full day of labour (with some, ahem, refreshment) and we are well on the way. Unfortunately, I had hoped to give you a sneak peek but due to a wee technical snaffoo that will have to wait for another week. Watch this space!

I want to take a moment to echo Steve’s comments from his great blog last week; 1.SMP people practice between rehearsals and 2. The level of planning and effort being put into every aspect is jaw dropping. Spamalot sounds amazing, makes me guffaw with laughter and is going to look stunning. This is a humbling experience but so much fun.

Pic 6. Two sugars. Got any biscuits.

Big up, or words to that effect, to Enfield Presents for their write up of Spamalot in the Summer 2018 edition, hitting doormats and leaflet racks now. Check it out, mes amis.

Pic 7. Word!

Keep pushing those tickets everyone, it’s going to be a great show and yet another feather in SMP’s already very feathery cap. Get your tickets now from the link below!  ** Use code – SPAM10 for 10% off all tickets booked before 1st May **