Waltham Forest Festival of Theatre results.



This week we entered a new play – Career Day written by Paul Levy into the WFFOT 2016

The cast, Becky Gediking, Carla Segel, Marian Lynch, Wendy Cooper and Luke Clow did a fantastic job on the night and director David Bowman and SM Ian Smith did a great job in getting it to the stage.

We received a nomination for the Pat Dancer Award for Best Supporting Player for Marian Lynch and for the second year running Paul Levy won the Vi Gostling award for new writing. Well done Paul! The full list of winners can be found here: http://www.wffot.co.uk/#2016-award-winners

If you didn’t make it down to the WFFOT then don’t worry we’ll be performing the play one more time at the  Welwyn Drama Festival on the 23rd May full details here. https://welwyndramafestival.com/tickets/